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Time to Let Go

Fall is a beautiful season. Here in Northern New Mexico the cottonwoods and aspens are shedding gorgeously bright yellow leaves against clear turquoise skies making every artist drool at the vibrancy of such contrasting colors.

The leaves descend slowly at the end of their life cycle effortlessly, making me think of what I need to allow to die within…. what has completed its life cycle…what needs to be released.

Many old stories, beliefs, and even obsolete priorities are asking to be given up to create spaciousness for what is NEW and what is needed to grow in the next season.

Like one of those yellow leaves letting go of its hold on the tree, I’ve had to let go of being in one of the BEST places to experience an ancient and colorful celebration of Death and letting go.

Let me tell you a personal story. For years, my friend Adpurkh Kaur in Portland, OR and I have been dreaming of doing a Mystic Yatra to Oaxaca, Mexico around Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). For several reasons, earthquakes, shitty economy in Mexico, social unrest, our dream has been cancelled and never manifested. But we were both ok with that. It was not meant to be, then and the right time would come.

Well. This year we were both truly committed to make it happen regardless! Wow were we wrong! And so, several months into the pandemic we both realized we could still make our dream come true via Zoom technology. Granted. It's not the same, but I think we're all grasping that things are not going back to way they were anytime soon.

So with that in mind, we started talking about different ideas, projects, crafts, having so much fun dreaming it in and on and on until what the heck! We're going to Oaxaca, at least in our hearts and soulful minds.

Take a peek at what usually transpires in Oaxaca as they start building up towards that time of year we all know so well as Halloween, and they know as a sacred Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) Take a stroll with us........

May your fall season be one of introspection and gratitude and may you remember that invisible threads of love bind us all to one another; especially those who have left this earthly plane.

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