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Alchemical Moon Sweetness

I just returned from teaching a 4 day sweet retreat adventure up in Bowen Island, outside Vancouver, B.C. with my good friend and amazing co-teacher Bir Kaur as well as two guardian angels (Pawan and Meenu) who helped organize and run the whole weekend with sweetness and ease.

The retreat was called “Celebrate your Emotional Self”, and it was a deep exploration on the 11 moon centers in a woman.

The moon center technology is subtle, ancient and mysterious. It was a profound experience for all who participated.

I realize that when women give themselves the opportunity and give themselves the time and space to gather for a deeper dive into exploring their creative yearnings, AND have the focus be around some amazing yogic technology (like the 11 moon centers) a powerful alchemy happens.

During our 4 day retreat we connected with each other, nourished each other, supported each other, and created amazing Smashbooks to hold our moon technology findings. These little treasure troves are not just notebooks to write things down. They are portals of transformation to jot down insights, collage visions, paint dreams, shed tears onto the pages and even smear dirt or ashes from a sacred fire.

We also immersed ourselves in sacred ceremonies all weekend to deepen the work. All in all…. it was a magical, transformative, healing, connecting, and FUN weekend.

Do not despair. We will offer this once again. Stay tuned and we’ll let you know. Who knows? Perhaps this offering will come to your neck of the woods, and you won’t want to miss it!

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